
MDO & PHM Lab.


Virtual data-based generative optimization using domain-adaptive designable data augmentation (DADDA): Application to electric vehicle design
Yeongmin Yoo, Hanbit Lee, Jongsoo Lee
Expert Systems with Applications
Vol. 232
Issue Date

In the field of virtual product development, product performance is evaluated at an early stage through metamodel-based optimization using simulation, reducing development time and cost, and improving product quality. However, it takes a lot of time to construct a simulation model. The model must go through calibration and validation process to reduce errors with actual systems. This study proposes a novel engineering design process that can perform virtual data-based generative optimization by adapting the design domain of existing systems to those of new systems without requiring many simulations. A domain-adaptive designable data augmentation (DADDA) algorithm is proposed using inverse generator-implemented data augmentation, domain adaptation, and design optimization techniques. The DADDA algorithm can quickly provide optimal design variables for new systems compared to the genetic algorithm-based approximate optimization. The proposed process was applied to electric vehicle design. Driving responses and design variables related to safety performance were selected, and a small amount of training data was obtained using Modelica-based electric vehicle. As a result, it was shown that DADDA could significantly reduce the time required to derive optimal design variables by approximately 53% compared with the existing method. In addition, it is possible to derive the optimal performance for a new electric vehicle, which is approximately 21% better than that of an existing vehicle.